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United Kingdom
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5:56 PM
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    01685 886999

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    Cross St
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    CF44 7EG

Cuisine: Mexican
Recommended Dishes: pork with mild chilli sauce and the beef fajitas and the black mexican beer Chicken Enchiladas and Albondigas - absolutely delicious!! Starters: ALBONDIGAS - Handmade spiced meatballs with a red chilli

Streets nearby Amigos

Bond Street Aberdare Wales
Upper Regent Street Aberdare Wales
Bethuel Street Aberdare Wales
Brynffynon Close Aberdare Wales
Wind Street Aberdare Wales
Albert Street Aberdare Wales
Oak Street Aberdare Wales
Hawthorne Terrace Aberdare Wales
Dumfries Street Aberdare Wales
Nith Street Aberdare Wales
Content provider: Chefmoz - This content may have been modified from the source.
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