Henley's Stonehouse

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The Stonehouse offers a wide range of food: from Spanish Tapas to steaks. It has a wide range of salads and main courses available. nnnThe restaurant is arranged over two relatively small stories. There is a bar on the lower floor. The restaurant is relatively pricey.

International Time & Dialing Code For United Kingdom

United Kingdom
Local Time
10:41 AM
Dialing code

Call & Message

  • Telephone

    028 91 454741

Address MAP

  • Street Address

    7 Holborn Avenue
  • City

  • State / Province

    Northern Ireland
  • Zip / Postal Code

    BT20 5EH

Cuisine: Tapas, Steaks
Recommended Dishes: Roasted spare ribs. sirloin steak 8 oz fillet steak on a stone
Reservations: accepted
Alcohol: full bar
Smoking: permitted
Dress: casual

Streets nearby Henley's Stonehouse

Maze Park Bangor
Moira Drive Bangor
Maralin Avenue Bangor
Moira Park Bangor
Park Drive Bangor
Park Drive North Down
Moira Drive North Down
Moira Park North Down
Maralin Avenue North Down
Maze Park North Down
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