Taco Bell #2655

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Slow down as you're headed east on Government else you may miss the upwardly sloped driveway due to dense foliage.nnThis Taco Bell is like all others, quick food for a cheap price; however, you pay severely in flavor. It's been a decade or more since I've eaten at a Taco Bell but thought, historically, it was good enough to try again. nnOver the past several weeks I've ordered various items from the drive through menu board, which, by the way, has an obnoxious prerecorded salutation; t

International Dialing Code For United States

United States
Dialing code

Call & Message

  • Telephone

    (251) 433-8226

Address MAP

  • Street Address

    1115 Government St
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Near to: South side between Roper St & George St
Cuisine: Mexican
Reservations: not accepted
Alcohol: no alcohol served
Smoking: not permitted
Dress: casual

Profiles nearby Taco Bell #2655

Streets nearby Taco Bell #2655

Montauk Avenue Alabama
George Street Alabama
South Hallett Street Alabama
Palmetto Street Alabama
Selma Street Alabama
Caroline Avenue Alabama
Oakland Terrace Alabama
Oakleigh Place Alabama
Rapier Avenue Alabama
Roper Street Alabama
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