Tempura Kiku

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Watch chefs prepare your meal; dine in groups seated around the chef.nFrequented by Japanese for homestyle cooking & conversation.

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    Walt Disney World
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Near to: admission required
Cuisine: Asian, Japanese, Sushi
Alcohol: full bar
Smoking: not permitted
Dress: casual
Accessibility: High chairs.

Profiles nearby Tempura Kiku

Streets nearby Tempura Kiku

South Doral Circle Doral Florida
Northwest 95th Avenue Doral Florida
Northwest 93rd Doral Circle East Doral Florida
Northwest 94th Court Doral Florida
Northwest 96th Place Doral Florida
Northwest 94th Place Doral Florida
Northwest 49th Doral Lane Doral Florida
Northwest 50th Doral Circle South Doral Florida
Northwest 93rd Doral Way Doral Florida
Northwest 96th Avenue Doral Florida
Content provider: Chefmoz - This content may have been modified from the source.
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