mod.GSI Furniture

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About Us

We are an online retailer founded in Vancouver British Columbia in 2004. Our focus is on providing thousands of stunning contemporary and modern furniture choices accessible throughout Canada and beyond. During the early years of, we recognized a growing demand for our customers to have a place where they can see, touch, and try out our product lines. In 2009, in response to this demand, we made our first move from 'click' to 'brick' and created mod.GSI, a physical show space

International Dialing Code For Canada

Dialing code

Call & Message

  • Telephone

    (604) 273-7068
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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    12680 Bridgeport Road
  • City

  • State / Province

  • Zip / Postal Code

    V6V 1J5

Profiles nearby mod.GSI Furniture

O Future Shop 0.02 km
O Staples 0.02 km
O United Carpet 0.03 km
O Boardwalk Floors 0.04 km
O Robin's Donuts 0.04 km

Streets nearby mod.GSI Furniture

Sweden Way British Columbia
Knight Street Ramp British Columbia
Bridgeport Road Ramp British Columbia
Flury Drive British Columbia
Barnes Drive British Columbia
Vickers Way British Columbia
Bathgate Way British Columbia
Bathgate Place British Columbia
Frontage Road British Columbia
Viscount Way British Columbia